Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Quilt Delivery Service

Last weekend our family drove from Northern California to Southern California to visit the grandparents and Aunt/Uncle/baby-niece.

Her quilt was complete, so I had no more excuses to keep it hanging around my house.

I made a super cool label - more details on that soon - and wrapped up my beautiful adorable niece in her new little quilt. I think she appreciated all the wild colors.

Not having the quilt in my house is a bit sad, but giving it to it's rightful owner...priceless.

Having taken a lot of photos of it before I gave it to her, I am thinking of putting a little flickr set together for you to see more of it.

The name of the quilt is Rising Diamonds - kinda like the Japanese rising sun, but with diamonds instead.

I'm also in love with the NPR challenge, "How Low Can You Go" where people write in with their recipe ideas that feed a family of 4 for under $10. Some very cool and interesting ideas in there.


Colleen said...

I'm sure your niece really appreciates the quilt. But I bet her Mother likes it even more! :)

Janet said...

What a sweet photo, love to see more of the quilt of course. At least you have visiting rights.

Journeying Five said...

the quilt looks splendid!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing this masterpiece! It looks so beautiful and I would love to see more!
Happy weekend!
Hugs from emily xx

Unknown said...

From the little bit I can see of the quilt, it looks just like the quilt from the cabin we stayed in in Big Sur last weekend... it was beautiful! they had the actual quilt side facing down... and just the solid color backing facing out but I LOVED it.

Unknown said...

I want to see more too please!!!

Unknown said...

gorgeous. I LOVE the labels you are making too!