Sunday, April 15, 2007

Doll quilt block

I mentioned before that I signed up for this doll quilt exchange. In so doing, I decided to really take a good look at the blog of the girl that I'm designing this for and make sure that my colors are in line with her colors.

I got a recommendation from a friend in my quilt group to finish the block off with a cute little cherry blossom yo-yo, and think that was probably a really cool idea!


  1. What a wonderful applique-er you are! She's sure to love it

    Lisa K!.

  2. The fabric that you asked abouton my blog is not taupe - is is a blue-ish teal, it is by Moda, part of the Up Town collection.

  3. oh, I can't wait to see it how it turns out. Will you post a photo? I love your banner. Thanks for stopping by my blog so I could find you.

  4. Oh wow, that is gorgeous!! I can't wait to see how the whole thing turns out!

  5. fantastic piece of your quilt!! i'll be anxiously waiting to see the finished result!!

  6. I can't wait to see it finished! I am part of the swap also- I am putting the binding on mine tonight! Yee Haw! I am adding you to my sidebar of blogs...I will be back to read more soon.
