Sunday, April 29, 2007

Japanese quilted stuffed animals

Chuck Nohara is one of my FAVORITE (really, I mean it!) Japanese quilt pattern makers and fabric designers.

This book on Japanese plush dolls (bunnies, kittens, puppies...) was on sale on ebay, and I ended up snapping it up. After I got it, I was surprised that pretty much all the patterns are really adorable.

I think I mentioned this link before, that has pictures of blocks from Chuck's 300 block book (Dear Jane-ish). Pretty fun.


  1. Are those your webshots? (I had looked at them before - I like the cats...)

  2. I've never heard of him before, I will have to go check him out! I love your projects, and if he's your FAVORITE, his stuff must be something special!

  3. hmm... i don't know. maybe it's just me, but i'm not in love the with the critter.

  4. oh i love the little guy on the cover, could i have the isbn on this book? cuz you know i need another japanese book! hehe
