Friday, April 27, 2007

what has arrived but my new... DOLL QUILT!!!

Oh doll quilt is so very sweet. Thank you so much for all your hard work, and effort that went into this amazing gift.

I really appreciate all your thought and the machine quilting is very creative here. I am so super glad that I joined the doll quilt swap! What a cool cool thing.

Lisa, thanks so much for being the organizer of this. I had such a blast meeting all the girls in the swap, and getting to know their blogs. Maybe we want to do it again in half a year or something.


  1. im getting a little jealous of everyone getting their quilts! i am so excited to be getting mine too!! the one you received is really neat

  2. Yea! It had such a long trip, and with you out of town, I kept wondering when you would see it. I'm glad you like the quilt ~ I had such a good time making it! (And my DSL has been out all weekend so I am late to this news)

  3. Maggi, as I mentioned, I really really appreciate your work, efforts and friendship. Thanks again! Your quilt has a good home with me!!!
