Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Here's to all you father's out there...thank you for all you do. I'm lucky enough to be able to thank my own Dad as well as my husband!

Thank you for -

Kissing our skinned knees

Photographing us

Changing our clothes and diapers

Soothing us when we cry

Always being there

Support our wild ideas

Driving us places

Feeding us breakfast

Being worried for us when we are sick

and most of all for

Loving us no matter what

My small cathedral windows quilt continues on...There's a little wanna be quilt teacher inside me. I think teaching with my sister would be really REALLY fun. Maybe someday I'll get that far.


  1. i would love to take a quilt class from you. i think your quilts are awesome.

  2. Marisa- Hi! I am crossing my fingers that I get you for my doll quilt swap partner! I would probably faint! I love your work and the link to the international quilt supplier was just heaven and I am going to have to share that on my blog as well! Everyone out there dying to have a bit of Liberty of London can now be saved! (They should call it resurrection fabric!) Anyway, I can't wait to get started on the next doll quilt! I just found a great little book about miniature quilts and am going to blog it. First I need a bit more coffee! Have a great and happy week! Kim
