Sunday, July 8, 2007

Goodies from Clover

My order arrived from Clover! In it includes yo-yo makers in circle, heart, and flower shapes.

This one is the smallest circle they offer, it is literally tiny tiny tiny.

Can you imagine a doll quilt made out of only these? That would be stunning I think.


  1. Oh this is just too cute! You have to make that quilt, it would be truly amazing. I have a girlfriend who is yoyo mad - she will just ADORE this.

  2. I'm jealous! I ordered some of the flower shaped ones from e-bay last week and I can't wait for them to arrive.

  3. Oh, my, that's cute. Just got an e-mail newsletter from a local quilt shop that the Clover yo-yo makers have arrived. I can't wait to go and get some!

  4. I "need" that tiny circle yo-yo maker - hopefully a vendor has it at Hershey. (My squares that need to become yo-yo's are too small for the other small yo-yo maker.) Oh & I want the others for the novelty aspect.
