Thursday, October 11, 2007

Dear Jane quilt blocks & Moo stickers = peas & carrots!

Let me see here...

Quilt blocks are square.

Moo stickers are square.

Coincidence? I think not! Could it be more perfect? I photographed my Dear Jane and Dear Hannah quilt blocks, and uploaded them to Flickr.

Moo directly pulls files from Flickr and poof! Adorable quilt blocks are stickerified.

My bronchitis-ridden 2 yr old is already wearing a couple, and I almost believe they are cute enough to ease his cough.

Or maybe it's been so long since I've left the house that I'm starting to enjoy my incoming mail a wee bit too much.


  1. That's a great are so clever! I love moo cards but have never ordered moo stickers. They are fabulous!

  2. That is such a great idea! Very cute! You could make a sticker quilt on paper:)

    I hope your little one feels better soon.

  3. Perfect blocks to have moo stickers made from, IMHO. So if I open a Flikr
    account, I could get these, too? I've seen moo cards, but this is the first time I've seen stickers.

  4. What a fabulous idea!
    Now all I have to do is get my DJ pictures off Webshots and transfer them to Flikr... tedious?
