Sunday, December 16, 2007

Brain teaser

What comes out only once a year, but is an old faithful part of our family tradition?

Bet you can't guess what this is a snap shot of...

This one is really tough. I'll fall out of my chair if any of you brainiacs get it right.

Oh, and did I mention that we baked (thanks for the help Sharon!) around 20 dozen cookies today? The grocery checker was alarmed at the number of butter sticks in our cart.

The co-worker cookie recipients will be oh so filled with holiday glee.


  1. how about the cuff of your stocking????
    how cute that would be!

  2. How about a button Christmas Tree?

    Caron in Michigan

  3. 20 dozen? (All the same?) Are you related to my friend, Beth? She & her husband (Is that proper grammar?) bake a TON of cookies every year. & they are all small & dainty - quite the opposite of the ones that I bake...

  4. Santa's beard is made of buttons?

  5. Those buttons look great! I'm thinking some ornamentation on a doll given the small line of embroidery I can see at the top...

  6. No idea what that is! :) 20 dozen cookies! That is a lot of cookies! Yum:)

  7. Put a pillow under your chair. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself as you plummit to the floor off of your chair.
    I believe the official name is "Button Claus"!

  8. I give up! It looks like it has a baseball stitch on it??? Looking forward to seeing the big pic of it!

  9. Hi - thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Yours look great - I'll be back! In the meantime I'm guessing that is the skirt of your xmas tree...


  10. I have no idea what it is but I think I see an outline of a star?
    I used to collect buttons like those with a plan to cover a whole quilt. It would have been darn heavy but I imagined it would have been very cute. Thanks for stopping by my blog. My new shoesies should be here today.

  11. My guess is a button wreath. It looks cute!
