Sunday, December 30, 2007

Yukata quilt

I cut out this quilt using some solids from my stash and some yukata fabrics.

These little 14 inch wide fabrics are quite pretty, and somehow it seems irreverent to cut them up.

Anyhow, cut them I did, and they are back together now in a tiny little quilt form that will hopefully be dragged around and loved by my son.

I pin basted it only (I hardly ever do this, since hand quilting on a hoop w/ pins in your quilt is a pain) but I'm going for speed. I sewed the entire thing together while the rest of the household was napping yesterday.

For a while I was at odds with how to quilt it, but I finally came up with a crazy idea that I've been working on. More pix soon...

Ok. I know this is random, but can you believe that this girl made a life sized knitted red Ferrari? What passion that must have taken, and gosh, I hope that red yarn was on sale.


  1. knit car... whoa... I am speechless.
    I irreverently cut pretty fabric for a quilt too, and I really am wondering *what's the point?* Sometimes quilting confounds me.

  2. loving the fabric on your quilt! can't wait to see the finished project : )

  3. wow that car is awesome. and your quilt fabric is gorgeous! you should probably make me a quilt, marisa. we've seen my quilts, it's not pretty. =p

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog and taking part in the give-away. You have a noreply-comment email address, so I come over here to visit your blog. It looks great! I love the quilt you are working on.

  5. This is so gorgeous! The fabrics are stunning... I like that you've left the design fairly simple so that they stand out. ^^

  6. Those fabrics are lovely! Can't wait to see the finished quilt!

  7. its lovely... i adore japanese fabric...
