Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Last list - 10 things to complete in 2008, and a homo sapien brain teaser

Serious star sighting alert! This picture is from my mom's digital camera and she ran into this mystery knitter over lunch today.

I know you know who he is...right? Can you guess!?! He also makes quilt fabric (this is a HUGE hint!). Bonus points to brainiacs that guess!!

So here's my last list for a while.

10 things that I want to acomplish in 2008. Yes, this year people. Not this crazy list of 43 things to do before you die (too sad for my taste and 43 is WAY too few for me) but 10 things that in a pinch could actually be acomplished in the next year.

Let me know if you post your list...I'll have a follow up post on 1/8 (my blogiversary) with links back to your cool list!

Here goes:

1. Devote more time and energy to our family (my favorite thing to do, this one is a gimme)

2. Finish my sister’s Dear Jane Dear Hannah wedding quilt (this will be a HUGE stretch)

3. Fine tune my humble little blog, have a freebee section of patterns and handful of some small things in a little shop section

4. Write in permanent ink on my Baltimore album quilt blocks

5. Hit the gym more

6. Do something special for our house that it well deserves (new light fixtures? Paint the scary ugly kitchen?)

7. Become a certified quilt appraiser

8. Attend at least 2 major quilt shows, photograph them, and post comprehensive flickr sets for all to all enjoy

9. Be more green: seek out a CSA source for our family, grow more of our own food in the garden, and make an effort to buy locally as much as possible

10. In another environmentally friendly vein - Keep my over 10 yr old, 115K+ mile, beloved car even though it’s totally impractical doesn’t have a trunk and only holds 4 people


  1. It's Kaffe Fasset! Great New Year"s goals. Wow! Where did your Mom meet him?

  2. My jaw dropped when I saw that photo of Kaffe Fassett. Did your mom go over and talk to him?

  3. Now THAT is a lucky shot!!
    Good luck with your intentions for the new year, Marisa...and a happy new year to you!

  4. Kaffe Fassett!!! A legend, that is my kind of celebrity :)...I need to make my list.

  5. I can't even get the image to load, but my guess was Kaffe too!

  6. wow, an actual Kaffe sighting. Exciting. Was he nice-I've heard he can be prickly.

  7. great list -- I'm more of a "see how life unfolds" kinda girl.... I live it very intentionally, but have few plans per se since then I just feel bad when life gets in the way instead of celebrating what life has brought me ;-)

    Great candid of Kaffee. love the strips he's working on... wonder what it's destined to become?

  8. I don't know why, but this struck me funny...ya know, like paparazzi for famous knitters!

    Best wishes for a great 2008--hope you get to all the items on your list and more. I'd make a list but have trouble thinking that far in advance, and besides, life often has other plans for me!

  9. Kaffe!! I just talked hubby into a knitting class, I will have to show him your photo!

    Good Luck with you list!

  10. Wow, I'm not going to lie.. I definitely had no idea who that person was. But I DID love your list! Although I have internet here in New York (turns out Mom needed it for work) I still probably won't have time to update. BUT I will make my list when I get back to California. Wooo! Love you Marisa! :]

  11. Kaffe! I love that he's knitting on a bench. Your list is great, and I agree, 43 things is far too few things.

  12. Love your list of 10 goals for the year. I don't think I am going to post a list, but it has definitely got me thinking a bit about things I want to accomplish this year...
