Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bring on the sunshine

Please raise your hand if you're had enough rain in the month of February already. Maybe some of you could say the same for the snow, especially if you're in the US on the east coast.

For my friends out there in Singapore, Australia and New Zealand...well, my heart is with you celebrating summer.

Finally the weather did clear a bit here and we have seen a bit of sunshine, but the cold bugs are still having all sorts of fun with my family. Our sweet and darling 2 yr old has been knocked out with a fever for 3 days now, poor little dear. Send your best healthy thoughts in our general direction if you can!

What could possibly cheer me up this week? Pediatricians who give you same day appointments, children's tylenol, 3191 blog - oh what a beautiful photographic study of light and color, reading Calico Cat blog and knowing that I'm not the only one out there that loves Japanese taupe fabric.


  1. oh I love japanese taupe and all fabrics too...
    I sure hope your little boy gets well fast, I remember those days...now they are teenagers :)
    I love the quilt in the picture can we see the whole quilt?

  2. My thumbs are crossed for the rain and cold bugs to be forgotten soon!
    About the taupe fabric... oh, there are surely a lot of us. I am continuing going through my stash of taupe fabrics these days, right now I am thinking log cabin... I so want to turn them into a quilt.
    Sunny greetings from Japan!

  3. ooooh, that quilt is gorgeous! I'm ready for sun and sandals!

  4. I hope your little one feels better soon!

    I am so over the rain & snow... we have had both a lot this month & I just want it to be summer already:)

  5. Its summer all year round over here! But it rained quite a bit since end Feb and I'm loving the cool weather now. :D
