Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Boy or Girl? You guess....you win!

Today was a HUGE day in our household, we had our big ultrasound, and we found out the sex of our newly expected arrival.

I wanted to do a little give-away for all you rockin' blog readers, so here's the deal:

Make a comment, take a guess - is it a boy or a girl? - sometime before midnight PST on 4/26.

To all those who guess right (and no cheating, my sister cannot play since she already knows) I'll pick a lucky name out of the hat and send a little surprise gift your way.

Thanks for sharing in our joy....oh, babies....I honestly don't know of anything better in the universe.

ps - do NOT click on this link if you are trying not to buy more fabric. I just broke down and bought a yard! Cuteness alert!!


  1. It's a girl.
    Ulla who wishes you a lovely time waiting for a new baby.What a great happiness

  2. It's totally a girl. Or it better be. So I can direct her fashion sense in the future and she can call me "Auntie Katie".

  3. I think it's a girl. Yes, gotta be a girl. Another baby quilter in the world!

    Caron in Michigan

  4. I'll buck the trend here and say it is a boy. That's my vote that counts - but secretly I think it is a girl( just cos I always think they are girls for some reason!) HOW EXCITING!

    I am having a teeny tiny giveaway on my blog too, in honour of hitting 50 posts, so pop on over if you fancy a chance at something teeny and tiny (and a little bit smelly too)

  5. I will say a girl. It seems like it is time for girl babies this year.

  6. How exciting! I vote for girl. :) I can't wait to find out. :)

  7. 50/50 huh?

    I am secretly hoping for a healthy girl - so that is my guess for you.

    (We don't want to know before the delivery...)

  8. Girl or boy it's a blessing but I'm guessing boy!

  9. Is it a girl? I'm wishing you a healthy baby...congrats!

  10. hm... I think it's another boy!

  11. I feel the vibes of a sweet girl!

  12. i love guessing games! I pick girl!

  13. Uhm... my brother and sister in law just figured out they are expecting a girl, so in their honor, I will guess that it is Girl Season!
