Tuesday, April 8, 2008

You know you're crazy when...

...you try to make ketchup from scratch.

I have this cookbook that has a recipe for turkey meatloaf that I wanted to try, but in order to make that, you first must make your own ketchup.

This was no small endeavor, and I ended up with no small amount of it either. (live in the California bay area, and want some?)

Is this because I'm pregnant and am predisposed to do, make, eat odd things? Perhaps, I'm trying to keep an open mind here.

In any case, the ketchup is awesome, though not sweet, and is being well-received by all. Even non-ketchup eaters have turned over a new leaf.

Lastly, the above picture is of the hair decoration that I got from Atelier Kanawa's Etsy shop. Wow, pretty pretty, and even has bells.


  1. Making ketchup is totally not nerdy. It sounds fun, actually!

  2. I think the hair decoration is prety too. Regards from Spain

  3. Oooh I am so mad at you. I told all my friends that I was going to have TWO new neices/nephews, and now I have to go around and tell them all I was just kidding. Hate.

    Regardless, that was a pretty good April fool's joke. I feel the fool.

    And I really like that hair decoration!!

    AND I would like some ketchup. If you still have some you should bring me some when you come up (ketchup doesn't really go bad.. does it?).


  4. Making ketchup? I never even thought of that... sounds delicious!

  5. I remember this story. And you are crazy. And funny.
    Crazy funny.

    I know what everyone's getting for Christmas from you! homemade ketchup packets.
