Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Going for the Gold

Visiting uncharted territory here, with embedded video. Did it work? For a self-admitted-techno-geek, I'm not sure why I'm scared to try this.

It's a clip of me washing away the paper from the back of the quilt. Oh so much faster/easier than picking off the non-wash away type.

One thing I did discover this time around - if you use it while working with very dark fabrics (see border!) you can end up with a hefty amount of lint afterwards on the darks, so wash well!

Couple of cute Olympic stories from our almost 3 yr old:

When he was watching swimming for the first time (which he LOVES) he was asking us why the swimmers didn't have their daddies in the pool!

Last night at swim lessons he decided to push off the wall backwards into the pool, just like the backstroke racers do. It was adorable, I cannot believe he came up with that all on his own.

By the way, do you have this stamp set by Yellow Owl yet? I really want both of them. That would so fall under the category of naughty/greedy shopping for self. Ah, temptation....


  1. Wow, that is so cool how it just washes away! I always use paper and it is a real pain to pull it all out. Especially in the seams. I will have to find some wash away stuff.

    Your son's comment is so cute! And cute that he was trying some of the techniques in his swim class!

  2. Thanks for the demo. Video worked! and now I want some wash away paper meself.

  3. O.K., so you washed it out... Now what? Press it with an iron until it is dry? "block it" until it is dry? I need to know...

  4. I think you sold many people on this wash-away stuff! Thanks for the demo!

  5. so cool to see this in action!
