Thursday, September 4, 2008

Japanese baby quilt, boy version: finished

Days of hand quilting: 17

Yards of thread: way too many to keep track of

Viewings of movie The Holiday: 2 (one with directory commentary)

Quilting needles: 8

Used finger cots: 20

Having a baby quilt done before the owner arrives: Priceless


  1. WOW! It's beautiful!! I'm sure your new nephew will love it!

  2. Still no baby...
    finget cots - I have never tried those
    Needles - you really went through 8!

    I started to hand quilt the log cabin for my baby yesterday. :o)

  3. I want to see more pictures... it looks beautiful. It will be even better wrapped around your baby. Best wishes for a safe and gentle delivery.

  4. wow, it is gorgeous. i am so impressed you got it done in time. now you are ready for baby.

  5. Very impressive! Like others, I'd love to see some more photos, especially closeups of the quilting. Beautiful. Have a great weekend, and fingers crossed for an easy delivery!

  6. Oh, Marissa! Congratulations on your beautiful baby quilt!!
    I love this pattern and it looks very sharp with soft blue color.

    No baby yet?! Can't wait to see your bundle of joy. Good luck & Take care!!

  7. Wow, how fast you are! And hopefully the baby arrives soon...the waiting at the end was definitely the worst part of being pregnant!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I starting snooping around on yours and discovered I have been here before - left a comment about your cathedral window quilt. How big is yours now? How big will it be? Are you doing it by hand?

    Also, congrats on the coming baby. I have a new granddaughter (8 weeks old now) who is just wonderful - I spent last weekend with her and her big brother - too fun!

  9. Beautiful quilt! What a lucky baby he will be. I thought of you and how much you like Yoko Saito quilts when I met her on Friday at a 30-year-retrospective show of her quilts in Tokyo. Some top quilts made by her students over the past 30 years were also in the show. Meeting her was a thrill (I had her sign the catalog book from the show), and I gained a new appreciation for her quilt style--photographs don't do them justice!


  10. Oh, just incredible! Insanely beautiful!!! What a treasure you have made! Are those all hand stitches for the quilting? It is gorgeous beyond belief...
