Tuesday, October 7, 2008

1930's Trip Around the World Quilt

Here's a picture of my living room after I got a sleeve on the 30's quilt that I just bought. I think it goes well with the rest of the house and makes a bold graphic statement. Happy little quilt.

I have birds on the brain since I saw Karissa's post at Kitty Kitty Crafts. Her mobile is AWESOME, and she even gave me a link to the pattern. I sooooo have to make one of these. Or 5 of them...

Thanks Karissa for your awesome post, and generally awesome blog.

Also on my brain is Fontifier. You scan in your own hand printed letters and they create a custom font for you. Has anybody tried this? It sounds so cute!


  1. That font website is way cool, you shold definitely do that! You have some awesome lettering skills.. :)

  2. Aww, sweet! Thanks for the plug!
    Also, that quilt is so amazing! How big are those squares? They look like they finish around 1". Wow.

  3. Hi! Had a nice visit through some of your blog! Happy anniversary! 8-)
    Lovely quilt! Tiny pieces....
    I checked out Karissa's birdies! Awesome! Thank you for the pattern link! I am going to give it a try...at some point! 8-)
    Happy stitchings!

  4. Love this quilt and your picture in your home!
