Monday, November 10, 2008

2009 Quilt Otaku Calendar - published on LuLu

After booking a bunch of doctor appointments for the new baby in 2009, and having some cool events to pencil in on the new year calendar, I decided to create a Quilt Otaku 2009 calendar to keep track of all the important dates.

It came in the mail today from LuLu and is so very beautiful in its huge 13.5" x 19" stunning full color. Their printing services are really high quality. I am actually pretty impressed.

Just in case you want your own copy, I make it public and accessable through this button.

Support independent publishing: buy this calendar on Lulu.

The best part is that it has a lot of space, so if you're busy or have a lot of family events to write in, you'll be all set.

Pictures are all taken by me, and include photos of quilt projects, some knitting things in progress, and other pretty sewing things/creature comforts.



  1. Marisa,

    Thanks your comment on my blog!
    WOW! your calendar looks nice for the new year! Good luck on your sales!

  2. What a great idea -- make your own quilt calendar! Your photos are always so lovely, must be a great calendar.

  3. What a great idea! I could make really lovely Christmas presents
