Thursday, January 15, 2009

2009 Resolutions

I cannot believe it's already half way through January, and I still have not posted my resolutions for 2009! Here goes:

1. Find my desk again under all the clutter

2. Finish my Baltimore Album quilt (see un-done resolution from last year, ahem)

3. Make progress on the baby books / scrap books for my boys - oh, how I have procrastinated on this one, or at least get my sister to make the pages for me.

4. Finish quilting the quilt tops that I have waiting in the wings (house quilt, plaid quilt, antique quilt, and niece baby quilt).

5. Work out with my husband.

6. Do something cool with my hair. I think a cut is long overdue.

7. Write up a Do's and Dont's of blog photography to inspire folks to take better photos of their crafts for the greater bloggy good.

8. Knit a pair of socks. Yes, that would be 2 of them. Not just a half of one with a bunch of holes in it. No, the goal is 2 wearable socks.

9. Enjoy being a working mom.

10. Contine to eat local as much as possible, and use our CSA at every chance we get.

In other news, I don't think I can resist getting some Ecology Cloth to try with my quilts. Kathie mentions it's on sale!


  1. what a list!!! good luck.
    can't wait to see what you make with your ecology cloth :) and I hope you like it !
    Keep up those baby books something I did not do and I am so sad about that now that they are teenagers.
    how about a few fabric collage pages? maybe working in fabric would make you happy!

  2. I love #7. It is a goal that I took to heart in 2007, and I am so happy with the results. I love to see great pictures in blogs. It is what draws me to it, and in turn I feel I should do the same. Can't wait to read your "rules".

  3. looking forward to #7, and I need #6 too...

  4. I love the hair one! how fun! my lady is at parlour308 in Los Gatos if you are interested in checking her out. : )

  5. I can relate to #1, except it applies to my entire sewing room (which is also my guest room).
    And #7 is great; I love your blog photos!
