Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The end is near....a sigh and a tear

The only other time I have felt this sad was when my maternity leave ended with our first son.

Next week is my last week off with our new baby, and I will confess I am a little more blue than usual.

I love each peach-fuzzy hair on his head, each teenie toe nail, each giggle and each fat fold. The last few months off have given us some incredible time together, and I have fallen in love.

My only comfort is something I learned with my first son. Even though you take them off to babysitting, they don't forget who their real mommy is.

I will do my best to enjoy this last week of fun with both my sons, and return to my job (which I actually do like very much) next week.

So what's a girl to do to cheer up?

Alex of Moonstitches also posted a wonderful slide show of the Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival 2009. Thanks Alex, and to all, please do pop over and enjoy her photos.

Kathie pointed me to Sew Unique Creations for Ecology Cloth. Mine just came in the mail. Now to plot what to do with it!

And lastly, for some quilty inspiration, I was looking at Susan McCord's Quilts. They are stunning.


  1. A ((hug)) for courage. I hope everything transitions smoothly.

  2. Good luck with the transition. It will be fine, and you will treasure getting your children from their caretaker even more. I am preparing to do the same myself, but I have a couple more months off because my new job doesn't start as soon as I was initially promised.

  3. I remember having to go back to work after having my children. Bittersweet...

  4. awwww...
    it is sad.. BUT, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
    : )

  5. I feel for you, Marisa! Having been through the process twice myself, I am sure you will be all right. Enjoy your week! Your quilt is so beautiful, and those chunky little legs... Lovely! Take care, u.

  6. My only comfort is something I learned with my first son. Even though you take them off to babysitting, they don't forget who their real mommy is.

    Good to know, as I get to return to work in a week as well...

    (Ditto the falling in love paragraph too.)

    BTW I got a Pinwheels GC for my birthday. :o)

  7. All the best for next week, I think it's the mothers that have the hardest time with the transition. Thank you for the links.
