Sunday, February 15, 2009

Christening for our little one

On Saturday, we Christened our baby son. He was an angel and did not even cry a tiny bit when the water was poured over his head.

So many friends and family members were here to celebrate with us, that the weekend was one of the nicest on record.

I managed to do a tiny amount of knitting on my sock, but that was all in terms of creative work for the weekend since lots of other cool things were going on.

I must say that Blogger is making me a bit nuts by not letting me left justify my text. Perhaps a sign that I need to go to bed.

Let me leave you with a link to some beautiful paintings by Duane Keiser. He has a very interesting project to paint 1000 tiny paintings. They are pretty affordable and tiny and adorable. I'm thinking of saving up to get any case, enjoy.

Wouldn't it be fun to make 1000 tiny quilts? I think I'd settle for finishing 100 of them!


  1. Congratulations on the christening. The gown looks beautiful.

  2. Congratulations to your little one!

    I would settle for finishing 1 quilt this year.

  3. you are so ambitious! I already don't know how you manage all the things you do.
    I'm really sad about missing the christening but so happy to be able to celebrate it with you : )

  4. Congratulations on christening your newest family member! What a beautiful gown.

    Thank you for telling about spoonflower! I am so excited because I have made my first order and can't wait to get it... I adore the fabric you made! I think you have such incredible talents!
