Sunday, July 26, 2009

Long Beach International Quilt Festival 2009

This weekend my mom and sister visited the Long Beach International Quilt Festival.

I will freely admit that I felt a small tinge of jealousy when I happened to call them and they were chatting to me about how much fun they had and how crowded it was.

Not sure I plan to go to it next year, but they did pick up a couple goodies for me, so not a total loss. One booth I would have certainly visited is the Shibori Girl Studios booth. Perhaps I will have to go after all next year.

In other weekend adventures, I did chain together a few more signature stars, and managed to baste another small quilt, so not at all unproductive.

At one point, I decided (why, oh why) to bake some french macaroons.

Please stop me before I bake again! Seriously.

I DO NOT heart French Macaroons.

The French Macaroons kicked my tail. I tried a different recipe (the chocolate version) and instead of sticking to the paper like last time, they were as dense and as disgusting little chewy balls of goop. Oh yeah, and they looked uglier than sin as well.

My husband thinks I should raise the white flag. I think I should call in the expert.


  1. Oh I so did not need to click on that last link for "the expert." Now I am wanting to make peppermint chunk brownies & it is in the 90's (with no a/c), so I don't think that is going to happen! :) I hope your French macaroons turn out if you try them again :)

  2. Marisa, come play in my kitchen any time! We'll subdue those macarons. Did you use almond meal this time?

  3. Hi Yoko-

    Wish you could have come to Long Beach too I see you are in San Jose. You can find some of my work in the gift shop at the San Jose Quilt and Textile Museum gift shop-and in the upcoming Sept/Oct issue of belle Armoire magazine.

    Thanks for the link!
    glennis@ shiborigirl
