Monday, July 13, 2009

Road 2 California 2009

Road 2 California quilt show is planned for next January and accepting applications from folks to host quilts in the show as well as sign-up for classes.

Classes that interest me are by Jo Morton because her quilting style is very classic with an emphasis on hand work.

Maria, the owner of Pinwheels, is also having a class on making a little taupe bag, which is another one that looks very good to me. On her web site, she is selling these incredible 4 inch long zippers for coin purses - all in taupe colors. Super cute, super affordable.

The above photo is a quick snapshot of the pieces I'm cutting out (STILL!!) for my Sarah Johnson quilt. Progress is a bit slower that I might like, but I'm plugging along at it.


  1. I would love to take those classes as well. I went to the Road2Cali quilt show in 2008, but didn't take any classes. Would be so fun to go back. Love the fabrics for your Sarah Johnson quilt.

  2. I have some of her zippers and I highly recommend them.

  3. Quilts take time and sometimes it takes me years to finish one. In between life I quilt and I would not have it any other way.

  4. I love the fabric in your pic. The colors are right up my alley. I can't wait to see the progress you make :) I will wait though, between baby's, kids, and working until 1am, it will be slow going!! Just keep calm and carry on ;)
