Thursday, January 28, 2010

Send a healthy thought our way

This week has been so very less than stellar.

Our little one has a bad cold with high fever. We got our flu shots with hopes to avoid all of this, but sigh...not so.

Send a healthy thought our way, hopefully this germ will leave our house soon.

My mom will probably tell me that this too shall pass. Are you listening to her germs??!!

To cheer up sometimes I make my family tell me one good thing that happened to them that day.

Maybe you have one you can share with me...for now, I'm so thankful to have Tylenol.


  1. Oh you have my sympathies, I have a viral infection - not sure what it is but it's making me feel like death. Hugs (germ-free), Lis x

  2. Here's hoping that all will be well soon.

  3. I send you all my best wishes for a quick recovery :-))

  4. you know I love you right? and your family too!!

  5. Please get well soon! Sending happy and warm (unfeverish)thoughts your way. Una

  6. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope he's feeling better soon. The sun is shining here today. I hope it's out where you are.

  7. I am thankful for love, a warm home, fabric and thread, and blogs...Tylenol too! ; )

    Lets hope the germs leave your dwelling SOON! A nice cup of tea, a cool compress and some + juju always help!

  8. Sending you healing wishes! It is miserable to see your little one's sick! We have all been a bit under the weather here too so have been housebound for 4 days. Today, thankfully, hubbie is taking the children off to the movies. Ah, peace in the house for a few hours...

  9. Oh that sounds grim - we all got sick just before Christmas other than my mum (who was on an 8 week visit) - she smuggly informed us that it's because she had a flu jab!

    Something good for today - I actually managed to contact my husband on Instant Message and have a brief conversation - and he;s home on Friday :)

  10. Oh no! Lots of healthy thoughts are coming your way!

    Something good... I finally have time today to make an appointment to try on wedding gowns!
