Sunday, February 21, 2010

Olympic-a-holic: a 12 step program is in order

Perhaps I should be stopped from watching the Olympics, but gosh they are pretty cool. Speed skating is by far my favorite.

In the 'going for the gold theme' that I started in my last post, above are some of the wedding signature blocks that I created with 1850's reproduction 'Chrome' colored fabric.

This project is slow, but I'm still plugging along at it. I think this new yellow is giving the overall quilt a much needed sparkle.

I recently discovered Peanut Free Planet who sells chocolate chips that are nut free so we are back to being able to making choc chip cookies.

Have you seen the trip around the world variation quilt over at Decaf, please? So stunning. I love working with solids and I love Amish style quilts. This is a quilt that falls into both of those buckets, so enjoy the photos. What a work of art.


  1. 'back to making chocolate chip cookies'... HA! your fam has made more of those things in the past month than I have in my LIFE. I love you guys ; )

    oh and, love the yellow.. can't wait to see your progress!

  2. Ho !!! I can' wait to see your progresson this yellow quilt :-))
    Have a great week,

  3. Oh it is coming along so nicely. You are right the yellow fabric really makes it pop! Super gorgeous - this might be the year you finish your wedding quilt with the help of your olympics addiction of course!!! What I would like to know is, when do you sleep?

  4. ok, one more thing, there is this free yarn giveaway blog - with a catch, you have to advertise for it, hense this post to you :)

    hope you don't mind!
