Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wedding Signature Quilt - just in time for Valentine's Day

Thanks for the comments on the Catherine Wheel Scarf.

In case one measly photo wasn't enough of it for your personal taste, perhaps you want to look at 56 more of them in my newly created flickr set...or maybe a slide show of scarf photos is in order?

I'm also working hard (again!) on my wedding signature quilt. All those signature blocks collected 6 years ago at our wedding are still waiting to become a quilt.

Each of them is so tiny that it takes me ages to make only a small set of 10 or so, but each night I'm making small amounts of progress and enjoying the process as well.

Things to fall in love with:
This Sunshine Day Baby Afgan by Posie Gets Cozy, OMG beautiful.

The Archipod: posted by design milk blog. Could I move my sewing room into the back yard? Unclear if this thing would hold my fabric collection. Oh and not to mention the yarn. Oh yeah and the fiber. Eek.

This new collection on the way from Liberty of London, as posted at True Up blog. Like I need more Liberty.

Last but not least, this awesome post about Orange County, California. Although I have spent a lot of time there, not sure I have hit everything on their recommended list. Some new ideas here. Cool.


  1. This will be so pretty. A lot of good things take time to build..... Enjoy the sewing!

  2. I guess this is what is called 'a labour of love'.
