Sunday, June 6, 2010

2001 Nouveaux Modeles de Patchwork by Chuck Nohara

The Sarah Johnson quilt requires 172 'star' blocks such as the above and I just made just over 100 of them so far.

That puts me at the 60% mark. Time to turn on the gas pretty soon and bust the rest of these out.

I didn't to much quilting this weekend since we were on the go and had basically a kid birthday party on each of the weekend days.

My mom was visiting us last week and she gave me her recent copy of Quilt Mania Magazine. This is such a cool magazine - Originally published in French, translated to English but with a clear focus on Japanese style quilting.

There was an ad for this book: 2001 Nouveaux Modeles de Patchwork by Chuck Nohara in the issue I was reading. You can even look through it for a few pages if you check out the link.

This is a reprint of Chuck Nohara's book that she published ages ago that includes her new twist on 2001 traditional quilt blocks.

Looks like Quilt Mania sells the book and ships anywhere, so I have the feeling my copy might just arrive this week. My husband ordered it for me when he realized how excited I was about it. Really, I almost fainted when I learned it was reprinted.


  1. Wow! Those SJ blocks look amazing! You have way more done than me :)

  2. there are a few books I would love to have from that magazine. can't wait to hear your reviiew on this book once it arrives....I bet I am going to need it too...
    we are coming to Calif on vacation, San Francisco, Disneyland, and would love to see the redwoods I know lots of driving .....
    would love to hear must see me!

  3. So many lovely blocks! You have really come a long way and they look beautiful!

  4. Dear Marisa, I know you are keen on Chuck Nohara so thought I would show you the quilt I just made with my friends.
    A Symbol Recomposed
    kind regards,
    Lorena in Sydney
