Monday, July 19, 2010

My head is spinning

After wanting a spinning wheel for quite some time, I decided to take the plunge and order a wheel.

We were up in Oakland at A Verb for Keeping Warm over the weekend, and I ended up picking up more fiber to spin into yarn. I just couldn't resist ordering a wheel since it makes it go so much faster, and I'm all about efficiency.

It takes at least a month to come in, so until then I'm plugging along on other projects. Still sewing, and using a drop spindle, and making a scarf of all things (yes, odd to make a scarf in the dead of summer).

We did visit the U.S.S. Hornet over the weekend as well as it was the real destination of our trip and the yarn shop was a side diversion. The kids loved it, but I think my husband loved it more. A cool spot, but a bit scary with an almost 2 yr old since lots of very steep stairs. Think we'll visit again after we're better at walking!


  1. How exciting! Can't wait to see the yarn you make. One of my quilting friends offered to loan me her wheel, which has been sitting inactive in her living room. I think I'll take her up on it. Gotta work on all that fiber purchased at CNCH! :)

  2. Yaaa! So excited you got a wheel! I can't wait to try it out. :)

  3. Beautiful photo!! I can't wait to see the lovely yarn you produce!! I've been to the U.S.S. Hornet - quite the scary place for a 2 year-old's parents for sure!

  4. Crazy, I have also been knitting scarves these past few months. One down and two to go.

  5. It will be wonderful to have a spinning wheel, so soothing too.
