Thursday, September 16, 2010

Places to go

I started reading Pride and Prejudice since I love Jane Austen and wanted something to relax a bit.

We aren't traveling much lately because we have all been sick on and off, so staying close to home and reading is our fun for now.

My older boy made a list of places he wants to visit. He made it just before his 5th birthday. I thought it was a cute list, so I'll share it here with you:

- China
- England
- Germany
- Oakland Zoo
- Canada
- Asia
- Camping in Big Sur, California
- To the circus
- Gilroy Gardens amusement park
- Disneyland
- Andy Z concert
- Alaska
- Wisconsin
- Orange County
- County Fair
- Aircraft Show
- Ireland
- Midway Aircraft Carrier in San Diego, CA
- Antarctica

I used to have a similar list on the back of my door that I would check off now and then. Those days are long gone for me, but it's an impressive list my son has here. I hope he checks them all off eventually.


  1. Looks like he got bit by the travel bug early in life. I hope he goes to all those places and more. :)

  2. That's a great list Marisa, I hope he gets to visit them all, and more - sounds like he has the travel bug for sure. Enjoy your reading.

  3. It's the perfect mix-up... do-able, dream-able, possible, and sweet.
    I like his list more and more... I am inspired.

  4. he is so adorable!
    I've been to 9 of those places... it's a good list!!
