Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Happiest Place on Earth

Our school district was out of school this week, so we took a road trip down to Southern California.

It was awesome.

We visited Legoland (which I HIGHLY recommend if you have kids under 10 yrs old). The above photo was taken there in the model version of Las Vegas, made totally out of Legos. Rides were really nice for little kids and lines were very very short, so good for those with short attention spans.

Our sons went to Disneyland, and I got away for the evening with my sweet husband.

Disneyland is usually known as the happiest place on Earth, but for me...the happiest place on Earth is actually the Purl Soho warehouse located in Tustin.

More on my visit there later, as I got some amazing new fabric and met (in person!) a pretty incredible blogger.

For now, time to rest a bit.

p.s. Anybody out there going to Pacific International Quilt Festival this weekend?


  1. marisa - so fun to meet you! and you're the incredible blogger! i just dabble. can't wait to see what you make from your beautiful purchases! :)

  2. hi there - I'm still loving your blog! Most likely I will try to pop over to PIQF at least for a quick visit. One of these days I would love to ask you about appraising/selling some quilts -- I am drowning and need to clear some out, but I have no idea how to price them! Elizabeth

  3. It was so nice to have you down for a visit! Come back soon. Please!!! Little Pea misses her cousins already!!
