Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hand Quilting and Hand Applique Classes

It's been busy around here with my husband traveling lately but the boys are really behaving well for me.

Getting more laundry done and less quilting these days, but I do have some exciting news to share.

My favorite yarn and fiber shop A Verb for Keeping Warm has moved to a new location in Oakland, California and started to carry quilting supplies.

I'm lucky enough to be teaching some hand quilting and hand applique classes there in mid-December.

I am really looking forward to it. If you live in the area and want to brush up on your skills, feel free to join us. I think we are going to have a great time.

I'm covering hand work only which is perhaps a lost art, but not lost on me...it really is my passion.



  1. Great going!
    Those lucky students will get a treat. Until they figure out how to make a pocket sized machine, and I doubt they ever will, learning how to do things by hand will always be a lesson well learned.

  2. Awww...I wish I lived there still so I could come and take your class. I used to live in Walnut Creek.
    Good luck with the teaching!

  3. If only I lived a few thousand miles closer I would most certainly take your class. Always enjoy your blog.

  4. Congratulations! That's great news! It's always so nice to find people who love handwork and are willing to share their love of the art with others. I hope your students all find the joy of handwork. Here's to keep the art of hand applique and hand quilting alive! Best wishes and Happy Stitches! Jay P.S. - Happy Holidays!

  5. I am glad you are teaching it. I love hand quilting and hand applique. I think it has caught on much more.
