Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Christmas Calm

I can almost (but really not quite yet) feel the calm of Christmas coming.

It will be awesome to spend a few days away from the daily grind and with the family. Kids are so adorable right now, and in love with the idea that Santa is coming.

I am SO looking forward to putting a new-to-me antique quilt top into the quilt hoop. Once I'm actually on vacation I think that is the first item on my to do list.

Well, after all the gifts are wrapped.

Today my 5 year old asked me, "Mommy, what is your favorite thing of all?"

I told him it is our family, of course. And he agreed that family is also his #1 most favorite thing.

He then asked me what my 2nd most favorite thing is.

I answered that it is our friends and he agreed again that his 2nd most favorite thing is our friends.

He keep going though to my amazement and asked me what my 3rd favorite thing was.

I said that it is our planet Earth and he agreed that it is his 3rd favorite thing.

He then asked me, "Mommy, do you want to know my 4th favorite thing?"

I replied that I was very interested, and he answered with one word:

Okok, message received...we'll find a way to get back there again.


  1. Ah, yes. If you want to know how things stand, ask a 5-year-old!
    You can get a lot of mileage out of some leggos. Have a great holiday!

  2. tee hee! i love legoland too! I don't know if it would be my 4th favorite thing, but I'm not 5. Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh what a sweetie! Enjoy him while he is young. They grow up....and then disagree with EVERYTHING you say!
    Loved the post!

  4. He makes a good list!
    Merry Christmas!
    Merry Calm!

  5. Legoland would be on my list too, smart boy!
