Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Bliss

Yesterday my family took very good care of me for Mother's Day.

My husband really spoiled me by making the boys write out personalized cards to me (including pictures they drew).

We had an awesome brunch, but there were gifts too, so I am sort of feeling like it was my birthday, not Mother's Day.

Anyhow, there was an antique quilt I had my eye on that was floating around on eBay, so he bought that for me. I've always wanted a double wedding ring quilt, so now I have a very classic 1930's example to add to my collection.

He also gave me a vintage sock yarn ball holder made out of bakeware (pre-dates plastic) from Katrina's Wool World. It's adorable and fits my small balls of handspun yarn perfectly too.

If you are a mother, I hope you had a wonderful day. Goodness knows it isn't the easiest job you'll ever have, but at least you can probably say it's the best one.


  1. Wow that's a lovely quilt, why do I never see things like that on ebay? Glad you had such a great day.
    I've herded all my blogs together in one place so please pop over and see me at

  2. How sweet of your family to take care of you so! You deserve every bit of it :) I can't wait to see that yarn ball holder!
