Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Purlple Yarn

I have been having fun making more yarn and also creating images of yarn balls.

This one is from some fiber I got a while ago at Verb. The wood parts next to it are the bobbins that are used on my spinning wheel. It may be hard to see the depth of purples in this tiny photo. I decided to throw a HUGE version of it up on flickr for you in case you wanted to see it in all it's glory.

This coming Sunday, I am teaching two classes at Verb in Oakland: hand applique, modern house blocks (time moved to the morning! - we start at 10:30am) and an intro to machine quilting class that I'm also very excited about. It's a class on making 9 patch quilts. As simple as the 9 patch is, it is actually one of my favorite patterns. The possibilities are unlimited.

Oh and I watched a documentary film called 'Stitched' the other day. It was pretty awesome. More about that next time.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had a good weekend. Please visit and enter my giveaway.
