Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Harvest Season

This year our harvest has been bountiful.

I'm not a huge fan of store-bought tomatoes, but I can eat the home grown version like they are going out of style. 

My sons do all the work in the garden so each and every fruit that comes out of there is like a little trophy proving that they did something right and that their hard work and dedication is putting dinner on the table in a delicious way. 

We usually grow heirloom tomatoes, but didn't have the time to start my favorite variety (Marianna's Peace) from seed this year.  We ended up with an interesting collection of various kinds though and they all worked out quite well.

I've been working on another class sample for a paper piecing class, so keeping busy with my sewing machine in the evenings.  It looks really cute so far.  Paper piecing is one of my favorite methods of quilting.  No guess work, no oops - my points don't match, just 100% perfect every time. 

Heaven on earth for this little control freak!

Speaking of paper piecing, I am itching to do a few blocks from this now out of print book by Shirley Liby called "Paper Pieced Sea and Shore".  Have you seen her books? 

It seems like they were all published some time ago (mid 1990's), but I really want to get my hands on all of them.  If you have some of these little gems taking up shelf space in your quilt studio and you're looking to find them a good home...look no more!  I'll adopt them!

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