Friday, September 16, 2011

Japanese Taupe Fabric: where to get it

Above is a photo of my son's 3 yr old signature quilt block with well wishes from family and friends.  The '3' is appliqued down and the fabric is Daiwabo yarn dyed.  It's got a thick weave but I didn't have a super hard time working with it.

It's not easy to get Japanese Taupe fabric if you are marooned here in the US (or other countries, for that matter) as opposed to those lucky ones that actually live in Japan.

The  quilt shop that I teach at has a small but growing collection of Japanese taupes which is great, but if you don't live in Oakland, California....there is a fresh option out there online.

One World Fabrics is the new kid on the block with some very interesting Japanese taupe fabrics - both prints and yarn dyed. 

You can see their entire collection here - lots to choose from.  The owner, Steven, also has an interesting blog with a focus on Japanese quilting.

Steven is kind enough to read my blog, and has created a coupon code for readers of Quilt Otaku.  If you are like me, and cannot resist picking up just a couple more pieces of taupe fabric (or a boat load of them!) you can use the coupon code "otaku15" to get 15% off your first order between now and Dec 31, 2011.

If that isn't a green light to start holiday shopping for yourself, I don't know what is.

I haven't ordered yet, but I am thinking I may need to pick up a few things...I'm a HUGE sucker for the yarn dyed fabrics - especially love this one - and they really are hard to get your hands on.  One World's prices for these sorts of fabrics are also below what I've usually seen, so that is nice too.

Thanks for your cool offer Steven, and best of luck launching your new taupe-a-licious shop!


  1. I buy my Daiwabo Japanese taupes from the American distributor, Pinwheels and get others from Laura Heine's shop as well as Primitive Gatherings. I love the taupes and can't get enough of them.

  2. I was googling Japanese Taupe fabric when I ran across your blog. I love these taupe fabrics, but they are so hard to find. Thanks for posting this... now I may be able to do more than droll over the Japanese Taupe and other Japanese quilting books I've purchased.

  3. I was googling Japanese Taupe fabric when I ran across your blog. I love these taupe fabrics, but they are so hard to find. Thanks for posting this... now I may be able to do more than droll over the Japanese Taupe and other Japanese quilting books I've purchased.

  4. I have just learned about Japanese Taupe fabric. I would be interested in taking a class using these fabrics. Can you steer me in that direction, please?
