Sunday, February 19, 2012

Smitten Family Portrait: Viewmaster...and a little something for you

I'm sure I mentioned that we are over the moon with our new Viewmaster Camera.  My DH has tons more about our passion for it over on his blog.  Above is a family portrait of us.

The camera allows us to make tiny 3D pictures of ourselves.  I'm thinking it would be fun to do a few photos of quilts in 3D.  It would be so awesome to do some photography at the Sister's Quilt show.  Have never been to that show, but have dreamed of going many times.

For those of you keeping score at home, I DID actually baste the quilt from my last post, so thanks to those of you who were rooting for me and cheering me on.  It didn't take all that long, just needed a little block of time.

In celebration, I'm hosting a little give away.

Leave a comment here and let me know how you feel about basting:  Love it, hate it, get your friends to do it, hire a long arm quilter to do it, skip it and love wrinkles in your quilts, have no idea what it is and would appreciate a video tutorial...let's be open kimono as they say.

I'll do a random number generator for folks who comment, leaving comments open until 9pm PST on Sunday 2/26. 

If you win, I'll send you your own Lego Quilt Studio (ok it's really a teenie fashion studio, but easily converted!).  It's Lego's set #3936 and it's pretty darn cute.  I'll ship anywhere, so if you're not in the states, don't be shy.

Here's to my basting party.  Let's raise the roof.


  1. love the family portrait!!!
    very cute. Ok basting I normally will baste on my foyer floor, do I enjoy it, no! If the quilt is bigger then a twin size I send it out now to a long arm quilter to baste for me. I think its worth the money ! I like my quilts basted a lot and the big quilts just take too much time and wear and tear on the knees!
    Glad you were able to baste your quilt top now I can't wait to see how your going to quilt it!
    Kathie who would love to own a lego quilt studio!

  2. That is such a cool idea for a family portrait! As far as basting goes, I try to avoid it as much as possible. I like my knees just the way they are.
    I would rather pay someone to long arm quilt my creations. There, I've said it.

  3. Yes, that is a cute family portrait. As to basting - I happen to have quilt top pinned and waiting to baste this morning. I don't know why I hate that step so much but I know from years of experience that it always feels good when it's done. I work best with a deadline so this quilt will be a school auction donation and that needs to be hand quilted by the end of March. Off to the races!

  4. I have zero basting experience, as you know, I just had to say how cute your family photos turned out. Seriously adorable!

  5. Well, let me start by saying I really like your photo booth shot from the show, very cute.
    The Sisters show is quite an experience, you should make the effort to go. The quilts are varied, as it is not juried, but the sheer magnatude of the show is impressive (usually around 1000-1200 quilts). If you plan to go, let me know. I am usually there and I would love to meet ya!
    As for basting. I have a longarm, but I only would baste a very large quilt on that. I do Hawaiian wall hangings, and I baste them on the DR table (protected with cutting mats) using the spoon method. Very fast.
