Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Tower of Inspiration

If you were to stack up all the fabric you owned, would it be as tall as the kitchen table?  Would it reach the ceiling?  Would it reach the moon?  I'm not sure my fabric collection would make it past the Ozone Layer but my yarn ball tower is trending in that general direction.

The beautiful yarn collection in this photo are the spoils from my recent adventure at Stitches West.  The bright colors are so eye catching.  I am not sure I'll be able to hide in socks made out of these colors. 

My friend Sharon at Knits are for Kids posted our photo booth photo and talked about what she liked at the show.  Susan from So Sue, another knit nite friend, did a post about it and shared her photobooth picture too.

I have a tiny case of the All Hat, No Cattle syndrome right now with my hand quilting progress.  I am so in love with the quilt that I'm quilting, I think about it all the time, and I'm over the moon about quilting it but somehow the stitches are marching across the quilt in more of a crawl than a sprint.  Sigh.

I'm sure you have probably already seen  Barbara Brackman's latest post including a ton of beautiful red and green applique quilts.  As for color combo's, I'm not sure it gets any more striking than that.


  1. looks like an amish quilt colors here....

  2. I think my stash would go beyond the ceiling; I even added to it on Saturday because I didn't think I had enough. But the blue and white quilt is almost finished (two more rows) so now I just have to decide which one to make next.

  3. O M G.... Lol!!! I cannot believe you did that to your yarn! I love it!!! No wonder j made the comment about x! Lol

  4. BEAUTY to my eyes! Love the colors that you pick, your color sense is to dye for... HAHA How's that for an unintended pun?!?!?
