Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Oakshott fabric: to cut or not to cut, that is the question

I'm not the only one who happens to 'heart' Oakshott fabrics.  

The Little Red Hen loves them, Completely Cauchy loves them, what's not to love...

I am thinking I may actually cut into my collection now that I have enough of them to actually make a full quilt.  I find the work of Malka Dubrawksy of A Stitch in Dye blog to be quite inspirational and I'm wondering if something like the cupcake quilt that she did would be an interesting way to showcase these fabrics.  I love this little puzzle that is made out of an image of one of her quilts.

On other creative fronts, he photographer in me wants to do a little photo study of Tom Otterness' sculpture installation at Happy Hollow in San Jose, CA.   It may take an early arrival to catch them without kids running all over them.

If you have the time, stop over to Moonstitches blog, and mention to Alex that you're glad to hear she's thinking of blogging again now and then.

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