Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Patchwork Quilt Tsushin #168

The latest issue of Patchwork Quilt Tsushin came in this week at Kinokuniya in San Jose so I rushed over and picked it up.

It has a lot of Grandmother's Flower Garden quilts in it, as you might guess from the cover.  It also has tons of stained glass quilts.  I've never been compelled to make one of those types of quilts.  I'm not totally sure why, since there is a ton of applique involved, but perhaps making all that bias isn't attractive.  

Sometimes I pick up this magazine and I feel like I want to make every single quilt inside of it from cover to cover.  This issue is not bad by any means, but I didn't get that feeling.  If you are REALLY into working with hexagons, this might be a good issue for you since there are some interesting hexagon settings shown.


  1. Hmmm, you know MArisa, I'm often tempted by these Japanese quilting mags - because they are so well produced; the colours are fab and usually some lovely designs BUT! Exactly as you have said, you sometimes get an issue thta does nothing for you. I only ocasionally get my hands on them at quilt shows and I kind of buy them out of desperation, get them hoime and wish I'd save d my money! But then you can get a really great issue and you're hooked again.

    I said in repsonse to an earlier post that I keep getting tempted to subscribe, but a years subscription is pretty pricey over here in the UK. I don't know, maybe one day!And I'm with you re the stained glass technique. I've seen some dreadful examples which put me off!

  2. Hi Marisa, did you get my postcard?
    I am just working on a hexagon quilt. How do I get a copy of this magazine?

  3. I had the same response to this issue, too. I think maybe it's too pastel and U.S. grandma's closet for me, perhaps. Some times I'll go back and see something in an issue months later that calls to me--I'm hoping that happens here.
