Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Living in a Glass Jar

Small succulent plants really float my boat these days.

I got this little baby at the garden shop of Filoli.  If you haven't visited there before, it is a country estate with an amazing house and manicured gardens. 

When you wander around there, you get a flavor for how the other half lived.  It makes me want to run home and watch a Jane Austin flick.

Our six yr old son adopted this plant and wants to be the only one to water it.  It might be because the watering procedure includes a spray bottle. 

Either way, it's nice to see kids interested in nurturing plants.

I'm itchy to design some applique quilt blocks inspired by succulents.  I'm not sure I've seen that before. 


  1. Ooooh I love the idea of succulent quilt blocks! I really love succulents. Haven't been to Filoli in a while but glad to hear it still has that magic.

  2. Ooooh I love the idea of succulent quilt blocks! I really love succulents. Haven't been to Filoli in a while but glad to hear it still has that magic.

  3. Ooooh I love the idea of succulent quilt blocks! I really love succulents. Haven't been to Filoli in a while but glad to hear it still has that magic.

  4. Ooooh I love the idea of succulent quilt blocks! I really love succulents. Haven't been to Filoli in a while but glad to hear it still has that magic.
