Friday, August 3, 2012

The Cure for the Common Pincushion

You don't have to go far to see beautiful wool pincushions.

My current favorites out there in the universe include:

My latest creation is a 'pin donut' from some wool felt that I picked up in Yoko Saito's Tokyo shop, Quilt Party.

Want one?  Got 20 minutes to spare?  Here we go:

A drinking class with a 3.75" diameter opening can be used to trace a circle on the wool felt. (cut 2 pieces, front and back) 

After marking the wool felt and cutting it out, I used green sashiko thread to do a running stitch in a small ~1 inch diameter in the center of the two felt pieces.

Then, create another round of running stitches about 3/4" from the outside edge of the felt circles, but while creating this, stuff the little 'moat' you created (between both sets of running stitches) with some wool felt fiber.  I have wool fiber around because I like to spin yarn, but you can get it easily online.   

Put a cute button in the center, dress it up with some glass head pins (mine are 1.75" long), and enjoy!

These would make cute gifts for quilting friends, right?

1 comment:

  1. These are SO AMAZING! I'm having a hard time deciding which is my fave - love the Klimt and love the wool flowers...might need to buy one.
