Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Your Own Personal Forest/Pincushion

Foxtail Creek Studio has captured not only my heart, but my pins and needles too.

I have almost finished the final block in my modern house series, and this mini-forest was by my side for the final lap of applique.

There are some final touches of embroidery still to do, but I'm excited to see the final result of this block and looking forward to starting to put the quilt together.

We are excited to have some family visiting us from out of town this weekend, and planning to maybe ice skate, maybe visit Happy Hollow.  All good fun for kids in San Jose.

Under the umbrella topic of cool things you sometimes bump into:  

  • Peapod Fabric's:   Indigo, historic textiles and an antique village in Japan

  • Invisible bike helmet:  having falling off my bike recently (not hurt, just clumsy) this looked cool - no bad hair!  At ~$600, not sure I'm their target customer, but still a creative invention.

  • Rainbow cakes:  So popular these days, would love one on top of a pin.

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