Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Living to see 700

In most cases, you have to be a vampire, or Yoda himself in order to live more than 700 years.

I probably won't live that long personally (unfortunately), but my blog has finally lived to be 700 posts long since its birth almost 6 years ago.

With both kids celebrating birthdays this week and family here to help us get happy, it is fun but also busy times.

More news soon on the sewing and knitting that went along with it all.

For now, I'd like to thank my readers (that's YOU!) for reading along.

If this is your first time vising my blog, welcome to my own personal creative fantasy island.

If this is your 700th time reading my blog, please insert a deep respectful bow here from me to you.  Stay tuned for a little something special I'm planning.

If you are my DH and you have now proof-read 700 posts for me, I probably owe you a nice dinner

Sunflowers above were growing amazingly in my quilting friend Laurel's garden.  I had not seen them in this shade of yellow before.


  1. Congrats marisa!! Heres to another 700!! High five to the DH!!

  2. Way to go! Always love visiting your blog.
