Sunday, October 14, 2012

PIQF 2012: Another good quilt show

Pacific International Quilt Festival, or "PIQF," is one of the larger quilt shows in the US, and I'm lucky enough to live almost next door to it.  

This year, there were many incredible quilts, but of course I had my favorites.

I cannot walk by an album quilt without snapping a photo of it.  There seemed to be more of them this year than in other years.

A quilter who I met there last year, Laura, had her Dear Jane quilt in the show, and it was stunning.  She used only two fabrics in the entire quilt.  Such discipline.  Such a beautiful result.

I did not know many people personally who had their quilts hung up, but there were the usual famous folks like Mary Mashuda and Nancy Brown.

There were some interesting vendors there, but I only really picked up a couple of small things.  Ok, a very affordable antique quilt top also found its way home with me.  Nothing that I couldn't fit into my purse though.  More on the interesting goodies soon.

Meanwhile, sit back, relax, get a cup of coffee (you might need it) and enjoy the vast amount of photos I took for you and posted on flickr.  Note there are a couple of hundred of them so skip around as you see fit.

I photographed the quilt first, then the ribbon and information on the quilt.  I didn't always photograph the information sheet...mostly I did that when there was an award or when I was really enjoying the quilt and wanted to make a note of the story behind it and the quilter.

PIQF 2012:  Slide show and flickr set (490 photos)

I was especially inspired by the work of: 

Cheiko Baba (Traditional Japanese village quilt)
Rita Verroca (Baltimore Album quilt shown above) and
Yoshiko Katagira (featured quilt artist from Japan - insane fish quilt).

And if you just want some beautiful photos to watch while you eat your lunch, you can get a lot of inspiration from the historic photos of this show.  

Below are links to all the photos I shot and posted over the last 7 years. 

If you look at them all, you have either been reading my blog for waaaay too long, or you are my mom, who faithfully looks all my photos every single year.

PIQF 2011

PIQF 2010

PIQF 2009

PIQF 2008

PIQF 2007

PIQF 2006

PIQF 2005


  1. Yes, Marisa, I have been reading your blog way too long!! (With no complaints!) I first came here for precisely this reason - you had such great photos of the quilt shows and so generously shared them. I really, really, will be looking at all of these!! Thank you. Lx

  2. I didn't get a chance to go this year, so thank you for your photos! I especially love the fish one and the ropes!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures!

  4. omg amazing pictures this was such a treasure I have been back a few times just to admire the work
    hard to choose some favorites but I will eventually
    the BA is just incredible, would love to know what background fabric that is! its beautiful and is perfect for an applique background.
    the other one you chose is BEAUTIFUL I am really drawn to quitls like that now.
    but I have a few more favorites....

  5. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this treasure collection of photos from the shows. I missed a couple of years and loved seeing what I missed. Your photography skills sure beat mine :-)
