Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Falling into Winter and Getting Tagged

Saying goodbye to fall is bittersweet for me.  I will miss the leaves changing colors and the crisp weather when you can get away with going out without a coat.

We still have some fall-ish colors on certain trees, but its starting to look like the holidays already with folks putting lights up.

Recently, Cynthia over at A Quilter By Night blog tagged me with a little me-me Q & A.  I'm not creative enough to tag other folks, but check out her post and see the links of bloggers she tagged.  They are all quite cool.

I have probably answered most of the questions already, some of them recently, so I'll answer a couple of them here:

  1. What was the first quilt you ever made?
    I made a flying geese quilt, and it turned out in this very odd non-rectangle shape.  I didn't want to lose any of my hard work though, and refused to cut any of it off.  It's still on my bed right now, with one corner that hangs down a little longer.
  2. What is your favorite city?
    I cannot pick just one, but I love Kyoto, San Francisco, and Austin.  Don't make me pick!
  3. Do you have a favorite museum?
    SFMOMA and the de Young are up there for me.
  4. What is one of your favorite easy dinners to make?
    Roasted Chicken w/ Carrots - a quilting friend turned me on to this one...yummy!
  5. How would you describe your quilting style in three words?
    Japanese Hand-quilting-with-lots-of Applique


  1. I am just too lacking in computer skills to deal with a tag but I admire anyone who can pull it off.I would probably find it difficult to answer questions as well. Sigh

  2. I love Kyoto too - have only been once - hoping for a return visit before our time in Japan is through!
