Thursday, January 3, 2013

SFMOMA: Family Day

We had an awesome time on Family Day at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

There were tons of activities for kids, and we got to walk through this cool installation by Tauba Auerbach that looked a lot like a quilt to me.  It consists of these extremely bright lights spinning around on the ceiling slowly and a floor that is 50% white and 50% black.

Makes for good running around for kids.

We also did a bunch of art projects with the kid docents.  

The highlight was an installation called Frequency and Volume by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer.  You can run around in this shadow room and different radio stations are played according to your orientation in the room.  We had to basically drag our kids out of there.

It's been a busy year so far, even though it's just getting started.  I'm working on a quilt binding, and I finished a funky scarf/shawl think that my beautiful friend adopted.  She is so pretty that it makes my slightly odd perhaps poorly executed hand knit look like a million bucks.  Nice to have supermodel-esk friends.

Finally, since this is my first post this year, I'm picking out a theme for 2013.  Not a resolution, but a theme for the year.  This year it's 'Togetherness'.  More time with family and friends is on the agenda.

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