Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Candlelight and Stitching

Relaxing a bit and thinking of setting up a simple knitting project for on the go, maybe some mitts.

Also thinking of making a bold move and taking over the dining room table with my sewing machine.  It would involve kicking all the Lego builds off and praying that nobody stops over to visit my house.

Should it do it?  It would be so much fun.

In other wanderings: 

Can I have this swing set in my back yard?

Can I learn to screen print my own eco-friendly project bags?  I'm sure another hobby like screen printing would not take up much space, right?  Ok, maybe I'd better wait on that one.

Loving this busy little star quilt over at Blue Elephant Stitches.  It makes me want to dive deeper into working with prints.

Keeping a daily 1-liner journal - it's been fun so far.  Just a few words every day, over 5 years.  Call me in in 2018 and I'll let you know how many days I forgot to write in.  I like it so much that I'm worried I'll need another one in 5 years!

Not sure I'll need more than another dozen more of them.  I'm an optimist though with some longevity genes on my side.


  1. DO IT...Set up your sewing machine in the dining room. If people come over, they'll just see how creative you are.

  2. I have that very diary and I'm on year 3. It's doable and actually great fun to look back at last year, two years ago, etc. It's a tiny daily habit that actually has a wonderful cumulative payoff.

  3. oh YES pull out that sewing machine and get creative !
    the legos can be built on the floor , your friends will understand, I will be waiting to see pictures!

  4. You can take over the dinning table my dear... The boys have the chalk table and I have my desk.

    We eat 99% of the time in the kitchen anyway.

    You need to get more sewing back into your routine!


  5. Do it!!!!! That would be so awesome!!
