Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Playing to Win

Not that we're competitive in our family or anything, but a good game of chess always gets the brain cells going.

Academic chess tournaments present an interesting opportunity for mom's to sit around for 3 hours making progress on hand work.  Games were not always won, but the chessmaster talked about 'winners and learners' instead of 'winners and losers.'

I've been looking more closely at quilts that look like a chess board lately.

Specifically, this scrappy trip around the world quilt by Monkey See is for some reason super attractive to me.  

I wonder if I can muster the energy to start making one of these quilts.  Lots of little squares involved here.

I'm also loving the look of the zig zag version of a similar quilt I saw over at A Quilt Is Nice

You probably wouldn't need a lot of the same fabric to pull off something like this, just a good sense of color value. 

Ok, and about one thousand and eighty tiny squares cut, there's that.

1 comment:

  1. Those scrappy trip quilts are strip pieced... Tutorial on Bonnie Hunter's site: Quiltville. (Scrappy trip around the world)
