Monday, March 11, 2013

Amish Quilts and Weekend Wanderings

They say that a certain road is paved with good intentions.

When it comes to keeping my desk tidy, I am usually traveling along on that road.

This weekend I was actually trying to do something about the desk again, and I ran across a mock up quilt that I made several years ago in a class. 

It was a study of Amish Quilts and the colors used in different regions.  Roberta Horton doesn't teach the class anymore, but I'm glad that I took it when she was still offering it.

Hard to say goodbye to items on my desk, but since my 3,000 square foot quilt studio complex is likely not in the immediate horizon, I probably need to take some photos and bid a couple of items adieu.  

We had a great time cutting out tiny pieces of fabric and using glue to stick them on paper,  It was a fun memory to come across.

In other weekend wanderings, things that came to mind:

Modern Architectural Love:  Simpsons episode The Day the Earth Stood Cool 
I hear this is a pretty cool episode that includes modern architecture.  I think I'll end up buying the episode as a download so I can see the whole thing.

Lemongrass herbal tea:  by Teatulia - mmmmmmmm treat!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you'll make that Amish basket quilt one day. Very appealing! You are lucky--and smart--to have taken the class when you did.
