Friday, March 15, 2013

Quilting with Sue Nickels: CreativeBug

CreativeBug is an online class service where you can subscribe or pay by the class, but it is a pretty awesome way to learn in your PJ's.

I recently watched all the classes they have with Sue Nickles and really enjoyed them.  They are well done and really informative.

In the corner of my eye, I spied some incredible wood pin cushions she was using.  After a brief email exchange and a very affordable purchase, Sue had a couple of these handmade creations on the way to me in the mail.

When I got them I was over the moon.  I do love a good pin cushion, but one with a cute little cover?  How awesomely portable!  Perfect for quilters on the run.  Super slick looking. 

Sue Nickels is perfectionist and the kind of quilter who knows how to get the blue ribbon.  I highly recommend her classes. 

1 comment:

  1. I was lucky enought o take one of her workshops here in ny some time ago. It was well worth it.
